Evaluation based on Critical System Heuristic


Mapa Mental sobre Evaluation based on Critical System Heuristic, criado por Sergio López em 11-03-2016.
Sergio López
Mapa Mental por Sergio López, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sergio López
Criado por Sergio López quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Evaluation based on Critical System Heuristic
  1. CSH Questions
    1. Sources of motivation
      1. Purpose
        1. Measure of success
          1. Beneficiary
          2. Source of expertise
            1. Expert
              1. Expertise
                1. Guarantor
                2. Sources of control
                  1. Resources
                    1. Decision Environment
                      1. Decision maker
                      2. Source of legitimation
                        1. Witnesses
                          1. Emancipation
                            1. Worldview
                            2. Three issues presented in the 12 questions
                              1. Role-specific concerns
                                1. Key problems
                                  1. Social role
                                2. When to use CSH?
                                  1. Situation with human purpose
                                    1. Individual or collective concern
                                      1. Emphasis on evaluating the means
                                        1. Used in evaluating plans or planning processes
                                          1. Ideal planning
                                            1. Objective Planning
                                              1. Goal Planning
                                          2. The technique
                                            1. Identify the system of interest
                                              1. Define your own role
                                                1. Identify the hierarchy level of planning
                                                  1. Identify stakeholders
                                                    1. Beneficiaries
                                                      1. Decision maker
                                                        1. Experts
                                                          1. Witnesses
                                                          2. Monological
                                                            1. Picture of the solution
                                                            2. Dialogical
                                                              1. Design of an interview questionnaire
                                                            3. Case study: Natural resource management
                                                              1. Situation of interest: Participatory planning in rural development
                                                                1. System: Enhance natural resource-use appraisal
                                                                  1. Government, Donor agency, Consultancy and NGO's as main stakeholders
                                                                    1. Natural resources management project
                                                                      1. Participatory Rural Appraisal
                                                                        1. Botswana Range inventory and Monitoring pROJECT


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