Psychological Therapies SZ


a-level Psychology (SZ) Mapa Mental sobre Psychological Therapies SZ, criado por annette Hendley em 14-01-2014.
annette Hendley
Mapa Mental por annette Hendley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
annette Hendley
Criado por annette Hendley aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Psychological Therapies SZ
  1. CBT
    1. identify faulty interpretations and correct
      1. techniques - trace origins of symptoms, alternative explanations, coping strategies
        1. Outcome studies- Drury 1996 Kuipers 1997
          1. AO2 - Effectiveness CBT - improve symptoms - Gould 2001 Effectiveness without drugs still not tested
            1. AO2 -appropriateness of CBT
              1. negative symptoms -generate less distressing explanations
                1. who benefits - Kingdon and K...2006 - not all patients suitable
              2. Psychodynamic Therapy
                1. influence of unconscious conflicts
                  1. techniques - (Freud considered father) build on trust and forming of a relationship
                    1. AO2 Effectiveness
                      1. Supporting Research - Malmberg and... 2001 -impossible to draw definite conclusion - Gottdiener 2000 concluded it was effective (study had flaws)
                        1. Contradictory findings - May 1968 and Karon and VandenBos 1981
                        2. AO2 Effectiveness
                          1. Combination Therapy
                            1. Cost and benefits -expensive overall cost reduced Karon and VandenBos 1981


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