Group Display: Sports


A2 Psychology (Aggression) Mapa Mental sobre Group Display: Sports, criado por jones.william161 em 14-01-2014.
Mapa Mental por jones.william161, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jones.william161 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Group Display: Sports
  1. Wilson


    • Claims xenophobia is documented in almost every animal group displaying higher forms of social organisation
    • Natural selection favoured genes that caused humans to behave altruistic towards members of their own group, but intolerant towards outsiders.
    1. Show and Wong


      • Mechanisms that prompt suspicion of strangers favoured by natural selection, as it enabled ancestors to avoid attack, and leave more offspring.
      1. MacDonald


        • Evolutionary perspective. It is adaptive to to exaggerate negative stereotypes of outsiders, as overperception of a threat is less costly than underperception.
        1. Podaliri and Balestri


          • Evidence of xenophobia tendencies in Italian football crowds, like Lazio players performing 'Roman salute' to extremist fans.
          1. Territoriality


            • Protective response to an invasion of territory. 
            • Aggressive displays by sports teams prior to match serves to intimidate opposition.
            • Adaptive for ancestors as allowed them to defend resources in their territory.
            1. Neave and Wolfson


              • Football teams playing at home are more likely to win than the visiting team, due to a surge of testosterone (an evolved drive to defend territory).
              • Team members who felt a burden of defending territoty was on them, then they experience higher levels of testosterone.
            2. Foldesi


              • Found support for the link between xenophobia and violent displays in Hungarian football crowds.
              • Racist conduct of a core of extremist supporters led to an increase in spectators violence.
              1. Lewis et al


                • Football fans. Crowd support rated significant factor contributing to home advantage.
                • Fans felt responsible for inspiring team victory, taking credit for distracting the opposing teams. 
                • However, the precise way in which displays of support have an effect is hard to pinpoint.
                1. Moore and Brylinsky


                  • Measles epidemic caused quarantine caused 11 American basketball games for 2 teams to be played in absence of spectators. Siena Saints-9 away games analysed. 5 with spectators, 4 without. 
                  • Scored an average of 76.25 in front of spectators, and 86.20 in the absence of.
                  • Display of support home crowds didn't increase performance.
                  1. IDA-RWA


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