Institutional Aggression: Importation and Deprivation Model
Institutional Aggression
Occurs within, and between groups of institutions-armed forces, prisons etc.
Importation Model
Irwin and Cressey-Prisoners bring traits and social histories with them, normative systems developed outside are imported too.
Deprivation Model
Prisoner aggression is the product of stressful and oppressive conditions of institutions- crowding, staff experience etc.
Sykes-specific deprivations inmates experience increase aggression-loss of liberty, loss of autonomy, and loss of security.
Harer and Steffensmeier
Analysed data of 58 prisons.
Found black inmates had higher violence rates, but lower rated alcohol or drug related midconduct than white inmates.
Patterns parrellel to behaviour outside prison-support individual differences.
McCorckle et al
Found overcrowding, lack of privacy, and lack of meaningful activity influence peer violence-supporting claim that peer violence is used to relieve deprivation imposed by institutions.
Nijman et al
Found increased personal space didn’t decrease level of violent incidents-research isn’t consistent in it’s findings.
David Wilson set up 2 units for violent prisoners-less claustrophobic, view of outside, radio, and lower temperature.
Changes virtually eradicated violence, but political pressures led to units developing in different direction-institution caused aggression.