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obedience: social - psychological factors
AS - Level psychology (chapter 1 - social influence ) Mapa Mental sobre obedience: social - psychological factors, criado por Daisy U em 26-03-2016.
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chapter 1 - social influence
as - level
Mapa Mental por
Daisy U
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Daisy U
quase 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
obedience: social - psychological factors
agentic state
Eichmann triad for war crimes and said he was just obeying orders
Milgram - a person does not take responsibility for their actions
autonomous state
opposite of agentic state
free to behave how they want and have responsibility over their actions
agentic shift
the move from autonomous state to agentic
when a person sees someone as a figure of authority
greater power due to social hierarchy
binding factors
many of Milgram's participants wanted to quit but couldn't
binding factors - allow the person to ignore or minimise damage they are making
e.g. shifting responsibility to the victim - they shouldn't have applied
or denying that they were causing any damage
legitimacy of authority
societies have a hierarchy
teachers police nightclub bouncers all have authority in some situations
the authority is legitimate as it is agreed by society
some people have the power to punish others
we will follow them as they have authority
we learn it from parents and teachers
destructive authority
problems can occur when legitimate authority becomes destructive
e.g. Hitler
use their authority to order cruel things
Milgram supports this by using prods in his experiment - people went against their conscience
evaluation - agentic shift
research support
Blass & Schmitt
students shown Milgram's study and asked to identify who was responsible
students said experimenter
the experimenter was top of the hierarchy and had expert authority (scientist)
limited explanation
doesn't say why some people didn't obey
in Hofling's nurse study not all obeyed or showed signs of distress when they should
evaluation - legitimacy of authority
cultural differences
strength - countries differ to how obedient they are
Kilham & Mann
replicated study in Australia - 16% went all the way
replicated in Germany - 85% went all the way
it shows how different societies are structured & how children see authority figures
good validity
evaluation +
obedience alibi
limitation of agentic state
Nazis behaviour cannot be explained by authority and agentic shift
e.g. Mandell found
a group of German police shot civilians even thought they were not directly told to do so
real life crimes of obedience
strength of legitimacy of authority
help to explain war crimes
Kelman & Hamilton
the My Lai massacre can be understood in terms of the power of hierarchy of the US army - only following orders
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