Finance: 1


Accounting ... an introduction: Chapter 1
Mapa Mental por kaitlyn.tregenza, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Finance: 1
  1. Accounting: Information system
    1. Collection, Analysis and Communication of economic information
      1. Information Identification
        1. Information Recording
          1. Information Analysis
            1. Information Reporting
      2. To assist in Decision Making, Planning and Control
        1. - Resource providers, - Customers, - Reviewers (gov't, unions, auditors), -Managers
          1. Uses: Financial performance, efficient use of resources, financial position, long term stability, liquidity for short term survival, compliance, social responsibility
          2. Relevant
            1. Reliable
              1. comparable
                1. understanable
                  1. verifiable
                    1. Timely
                      1. cost/benefit
          3. Steps in Planning Process
            1. 1. Objectives/ MIssion
              1. 2. Long Term Plans
                1. 3. Short Term Plans
                  1. Budget
                  2. How the business will aim to meet its objectives
                  3. What the business is ultimately trying to achieve
                    1. Typical objectives are to maximise sales; profit; revenue, financial survival, financial stability, growth, satisficing, sus. devlpt, wealth enhancement
                  4. CONTROL
                    1. compelling events to conform to the plan
                  5. Financial Accounting
                    1. REPORTS
                      1. aggregated detail
                        1. regulated / standardised
                          1. infrequent
                            1. historical focus
                              1. monetary focused
                                1. objective
                                  1. P&L
                                    1. Balance Sheet
                                      1. Cash Flow
                                        1. Equity
                                        2. External Use
                                        3. Management Accounting
                                          1. Internal Use
                                            1. REPORTS
                                              1. Specific Focus
                                                1. dissected detail
                                                  1. frequent
                                                    1. Forward looking
                                                      1. monetary & non monetary focused
                                                        1. less objective


                                                      Unit 4 The Accounting Cycle
                                                      Finance- Break even
                                                      Chapter One: Introduction to Accounting
                                                      AS - Buss1 - Formula Cards
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                                                      Economy Terms
                                                      Lex R
                                                      Financial Ratios
                                                      Liz Barraclough
                                                      Finance - Balance sheets
                                                      Finance sources of Finance
                                                      Investment Planning Part 1
                                                      How accounting is recorded
                                                      State & Local Govt - Accounting and Financial Reporting