
not Restant Materials Mapa Mental sobre RESTANT MATERIALS 1, criado por Emily Armstrong em 26-01-2014.
Emily Armstrong
Mapa Mental por Emily Armstrong, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Armstrong
Criado por Emily Armstrong quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

    1. Does not fill big holes
      1. Clean joints with abrasive-file
        1. Fire bricks -to keep heat in
          1. Surround- part of machine
            1. Hearth- part of machine
              1. Goggles-part of P.P.E
                1. P.P.E- Personal Protection Equipment
                  1. Leather apron-part of P.P.E
                    1. Bright orange heat-900 degreeise C
                      1. Flux- like a glue(goes on end of brazing rod)
                        1. Brazing rod- joins the metal together with flux
                          1. Apply to joint- to join together
                            1. Melt into the joint-to join together
                              1. Allow to cool-Not too quickly-or will break
                                1. Clean joints- so the joints go together better
                                  1. Quality Control Check- make sure there is no sharp edges
                                  2. FERROUS AND NON FERROUS METALS
                                    1. Iron= FE
                                      1. Non Ferrous does not contain Iorn
                                        1. Ferrous metals are metals contain Iron
                                          1. An alloy is a mixture of more than one metal or other eliments
                                            1. A pure metal appears on the periodic table and is dose not contain any other materials
                                              1. Pure metal are rarely used in their pure from because they can their properties improved by being alloyed with other materials.
                                                1. Alloys can have signifcantly better properties
                                                  1. Steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon
                                                    1. Stainless steel is and alloy of Iron, Carbon and Chromlium
                                                      1. Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc
                                                      2. key words
                                                        1. ANNEALING- softens metals
                                                          1. PLANISHING- hardens metal
                                                            1. SOLDERING- the joining of non ferrous metals
                                                              1. P.P.E- personal protection equipment
                                                                1. ALLOY- 2 metals
                                                                  1. ARC EYE- damage to the eye


                                                                  Restant Materials
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS 5
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS 2
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS 3
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS 4
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS-6
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
                                                                  RESTANT MATERIALS 6 - created from Mind Map
                                                                  Emily Armstrong
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