suggests interruption in his life, shown with
the ceasura
rhyme scheme fluctuates
between half and exact
could parallel the soldiers
recovery from injury
War poem
read by the wife of an
injured soldier
highlights the long term and
effects of war
"The frozen river which ran through his face "
suggests paralysis
more than just a superficial injury
"and handle and hold the damaged,
porcelain collar -bone"
suggests the wife is being
metaphor- suggests fragility and that is could
break easily
Tone- Very melancholic and regretful the
soldier has become very distant from his
partner, he was physically effected by the
war as well as emotionally
"and feel the hurt of his
grazed heart"
his wife feels empathy towards his
emotional and physical
damage - his core has
been damaged, he has
lost the ability to feel
Theme - the effects that war has on
people - the soldier has become
very distant and fragile, the main
theme is the physical injuries the
man sustained
to a sweating
unexploded mine
metaphor- trying to suppress his emotions
The whole poem explains the effects that
war has on people and how soldiers can
be both physically and emotionally
injured as a result of war