Our Legal System


Chapter 15 &16
Mapa Mental por mcbyrd, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Our Legal System
  1. Criminal Law
    1. Misdemeanors
      1. less serious crimes that are punishable with less than 1 year in prison
        1. examples
          1. larceny(shoplifting)
        2. Felonies
          1. examples
            1. homicide aka murder
              1. robbery
                1. Burglary aka breaking and entering
              2. Steps in criminal cases
                1. 1)police investigation
                  1. 2)Arrest
                    1. 3)Booking
                      1. 4)Preliminary Hearing
                        1. 5)Arraignment
                          1. 6)Trial
                            1. 7)Verdict
                              1. 8)Sentencing
                                1. defendant found guilty . Judge sentences defendant
                                  1. commute- to reduce a criminal's sentence
                                  2. decision made by the judge
                                    1. hung jury- cannot agree on a verdict
                                    2. Prosecution and defense present cases to jury
                                      1. Plea Bargaining- suspect pleas guilty to al lesser charge for a lighter sentence
                                    3. Defendant pleads guilty or not guilty
                                    4. Suspect appears before a judge. Bail is set
                                      1. bail- money paid to the court by an accused person to guarantee that he/she will appear in court for trial
                                  3. police arrest and book a suspect
                                2. Exclusionary rule
                                  1. prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial
                              2. Civil Law
                                1. cases that involve a plaintiff suing another person for damages
                                  1. Plaintiff the person filing the lawsuit
                                    1. Lawsuit
                                      1. a legal action whereby a person or group sues to collect damages for some harm that is done
                                      2. steps in a civil court case
                                        1. Plaintiff's attorney files a complaint
                                          1. Court send a summons to defendant
                                            1. Defendant's attorney files a written answer
                                              1. Attorneys for both sides exchange pleadings documents
                                                1. Attorneys for plaintiff and defendant argue cases in court
                                                  1. Court gives verdict
                                      3. Defendant is the person being sued
                                    2. Constitutional Law
                                      1. Administrative Law
                                        1. US Federal Court System
                                          1. District Courts
                                            1. Feral Courts
                                              1. US Court of Appeals
                                                1. US Supreme Court
                                                  1. Concurring Opinion- votes with the majority but for different reasons
                                                    1. Dissenting Opinion- disagrees with the majority's decision
                                                      1. Majority Opinion-majority decision
                                                        1. Supreme court justices- 9
                                                2. North Carolina State Court System
                                                  1. District Courts
                                                    1. Superior Courts
                                                      1. Court of Appeals
                                                        1. NC Supreme Court
                                                          1. Docket- Court Calendar
                                                3. cases over Constitutional Issues
                                                  1. Gideon vs. Wainwright
                                                    1. Established right to a lawyer for everyone
                                                      1. sixth amendment
                                                        1. guarantees right to a lawyer,
                                                          1. Right to trial by jury
                                                        2. Miranda v. Arizona
                                                          1. Miranda Rights
                                                            1. Examples
                                                              1. right to remain silent
                                                                1. have a lawyer present during police questioning
                                                              2. Ernesto Miranda was not given his rights
                                                              3. Mapp v. Ohio
                                                                1. Protection from illegal search
                                                                  1. 4th amendment
                                                                2. Gregg v. Georgia
                                                                  1. Capital Punishment aka death penalty
                                                                    1. examples
                                                                      1. death by firing squad
                                                                        1. death by electric chair
                                                                          1. death by lethal injections
                                                                        2. 8th amendment
                                                                          1. outlaws "cruel and unusual punishment
                                                                        3. Furman v. Georgia
                                                                          1. 1972
                                                                            1. suspended the use of the death penalty


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