Programming Language


Alejandro Torrebiarte
Alejandro Torrebiart
Mapa Mental por Alejandro Torrebiart, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alejandro Torrebiart
Criado por Alejandro Torrebiart mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Programming Language
  1. Python
    1. Allows programmers to use fewer lines of codes to express the same action than possible with other progamming languages
      1. Can be used to compute a large variety of mathematical equations
        1. It is very easy to learn if you are a begginer to programing, yet it can still be used by advanced progamers to make powerful
          1. Gets rid of unecessary lines of code that could be simplified
            1. Still uses the basic commands that other languages use so that the integration is made much easier
              1. Approximately 7% of all programmers use Python as their main programming language.
              2. A formal language with specific commands that helps transmit information to a computer so that it can carry out specific actions based on what is happening.
                1. Most Popular: SQL, Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, PHP.
                  1. Programs like Scratch aren't very helpful to learn how to really program, just to learn how to connect blocks.
                    1. There is perfect progamming langauge that can adapt to the preferences of everyone.
                      1. Sources:,, Jesus Conde,


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