
Other Psychology (General Foundations of Psychology) Mapa Mental sobre ATTACHMENT, criado por Anja Starc em 24-04-2016.
Anja Starc
Mapa Mental por Anja Starc, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anja Starc
Criado por Anja Starc mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. animal evidence
    1. Lorenz: imprinting
      1. birds: treat 1st moving stimulus as mothers
        1. = instinctual & adaptive early attachment
        2. Harlow: monkeys
          1. wire mother: food
            1. cloth mother: comfort
          2. = strong, enduring, emotional bond
            1. 1st social relationship: primary caregiver
              1. provide: psychological comfort
              2. separation anxiety
                1. 6 - 8 months
                  1. upset
                2. John Bowlby
                  1. attachment behaviours
                    1. proximity maintenance
                      1. secure base (safe & protected)
                        1. joint visual attention
                          1. safe haven seeking
                            1. separation anxiety
                            2. roots: evolution
                              1. internal working model
                                1. cognitive element
                                  1. beliefs & expectations


                                    • about: 1. one's own and other people's behaviour 2. lovability, worthiness, acceptability of the self 3. guidelines for interpreting other's actions: emotional availability and interests of others + their availability to provide protection
                                    1. = template for future relationships
                                      1. develops within early relationships
                                      2. phases
                                        1. 1. Pre-attachment (0-2 months)
                                          1. 2. Attachment in the making (3-6 months)


                                            • - responding differently to different people - will accept mother substitute
                                            1. 3. Clear cut attachment (7-9 months)


                                              • - active proximity seeking - separation anxiety - stranger fear
                                              1. 4. Goal-corrected partnership (3 yrs + )
                                              2. parents
                                                1. fathers
                                                  1. 2nd year
                                                    1. 18 months: separation distress
                                                      1. vigorous + physical play
                                                        1. exploration companion
                                                        2. mothers
                                                          1. support
                                                            1. secure base
                                                          2. postive impacts


                                                            • - understanding neglect on young children - improved child care institutions
                                                          3. Mary Ainsworth
                                                            1. the strange situation


                                                              • = experimental procedure for assessing attachment: child alone with a stranger when mother leaves the room
                                                              1. 4 categories
                                                                1. securely attached: minor distress => enthusiasm


                                                                  • later in life: - more attractive to peers as playmates - more obedient & independent - more concern and helping for peers - more likely to have close friends when teenagers - less anxiety disorders, criminal record
                                                                  1. insecure attachment
                                                                    1. anxious/resistant: upset =>ambivalent (crying, slapping)
                                                                      1. anxious/avoidant: distant, aloof => ignore
                                                                        1. disorganised: inconsistent behaviours
                                                                    2. confounding factors
                                                                      1. temperament


                                                                        • = the core of a child's developing personality
                                                                        • - individual differences in emotional reactivity - + and - emotionality, sociability, attentional persistence - predicts some childhood outcomes, not attachment security
                                                                        1. influence: genetics
                                                                          1. identical twins => similar temperaments
                                                                        2. birth complications
                                                                          1. culture
                                                                            1. secure attachment = cross-cultural
                                                                              1. China: low & UK: high secure attachment
                                                                              2. parental behaviour
                                                                                1. responsiveness to needs
                                                                                  1. warmth & closeness
                                                                                    1. supportive involvement
                                                                                      1. extent to provide a secure base
                                                                                    2. over the life course
                                                                                      1. => to their parents => friendship => romantic => marital => to their child => grandparental
                                                                                        1. romantic relationships
                                                                                          1. same features as childhood attachment
                                                                                            1. anxiety: rejection & abandonment
                                                                                              1. avoidance: closeness & intimacy


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                                                                                            Concepts of Attachment
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