Sold off the rights to collect
customs duties to different
Secured a steady
income from
customs for the
Feudal Laws
He had the right to buy food
for the court at a discounted
Led to huge waste
in the court
Also caused
problems for local
The king could sell off wardships of minors
whos parents died with them too young to
Annoyed subjects, many families saved to
make sure that if they died a family
member could buy the wardship.
Wardships were valuable
because whoever had the
wardship could run the
childs estate until they
were old enough to do so
The king had the right to decide
marriages with wealthy widows or
female heirs of tennents.
Doomed Inheritance
James was also stuck with the results of
the wars with spain, which lead to ship
tax being moved in shore and anoyed
subjects since this broke taxation laws.
There were court debts
but they were more than
covered by the war debt
from Spain.
Elizabeth the first had been very
stringent with the royal money, and
left rather a lot of money in the
treasury for James I.
Elizabeth had achieved her financial stability
by selling off crown lands when needed,
which would've earned James money.
She had also given a range of
very long leases on large plots
of land, so on a sixty year lease
a piece of land worth
thousands after ingflation
would be rented at an
Elizabethen rate.
Elizabeth had
made many
efforts to
increase customs
She also didn't give any pensions or
grants of land to the leading nobels.
Underpayed officials had fallen
into bribary and curruption.
This lead James I to
have to be very
generous to keep the
lords on side.
James was often blamed for spending
too much on his favorites, particularly
since many of them were unpopular
scotish nobels.They often got 4x what
english counterparts did.
James' favorites were often
scotish nobility. This made
English nobels jelous since
these favorites tended to be on
around 4x more than their
english counterparts.
The ammounts he spent on
favorites like Buckingham
who were suspected to be
his lovers also iritated some