Learning Theory: Says all behaviour
is learned rather than inborn
Social Learning Theory
Learning through
observing others and
imitating behaviours that
are rewarded
Albert Bandura- approaches
Classical Conditioning
Learning through association
Neutral stimulus paired with an
unconditioned stimulus so that it
eventually takes on the properties of this
stimulus, produces a conditioned response
Operant Conditioning
Learning through reinforcement
Attachment occurs because child
seeks person who can supply reward
Drive Reduction theory: a 'drive'
motivates behaviour- for example hunger
creates drive to reduce the discomfort.
When fed, the drive is reduced and
pleasure replaces discomfort
Positive reinforcement; behaviour
would be more likely to be repeated
because it was rewarding
Bolwby's Monotropic attachment
the idea that one attachment is of
special significance over another
Critical period: Babies have innate drive to attach to
survive- this must happen between 3-6 months
(Critical period) in order for the infant to make
significant attachments in the future
Social releases: E.g. smiling, 'baby face' are innate
mechanisms which explain how attachments to
infants are formed- elicits caregiving.
internal working model: Mental model of
the world which enables individuals to
predict and control their environment.
Short term, gives them insight& enables
true relationship to form. Longterm, acts
as a template for all future relationships
because it generates expectations.
Continuity Hypothesis- idea that emotionally
secure infants go on to be emotionally secure,
trusting, socially confident adults
Schaffer & Emerson: found that infants form multiple attachments, but also signals that mother is primary attachment figure
Lorenz: Provide evidence that supports idea that attachment is innate
Types of attachment
Ainsworth's strange
situation: to test how
infants react to situations of
stress and anxiety
Procedure: 8 episodes- each designed to
highlight certain behaviours. Key feature
is stranger/caregiver leaving/entering
Findings: Combined results of multiple studies- 106
middle-class infants observed. 3 main patterns
found- Insecure-Avoidant, Secure, Insecure-Resistant
Insecure-Avoidant: Children who avoid social situations. Little
response to separation, don't seek proximity to caregiver on reunion.
Happy to explore with or without the presence of their caregiver.
Insecure-Resistant: Both seeks and resists intimacy/ social situations. Respond to
separation from caregiver with extreme stress, behave similarly towards strangers.
Secure attachment: Those who have a harmonious relationship with
their caregiver. Unlikely to cry when caregiver leaves, shows some
distress when left with a stranger. When feeling anxious they seek
close proximity and are easily soothed- may be reluctant to leave their
side prematurely. Comfortable with social interaction and intimacy
Cultural Variations in attachment
Key study: Van IJzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)
Procedure: Conducted a meta
analysis from 32 studies on
attachment behaviour. Altogether
2000 strange situations, 8 different
Findings: Variation between cultures/countries
small, secure attachment was the most
common in every country, with IA the next,
then IR. Variation within cultures 1.5 times
greater than variation between cultures.
Bowlby's theory of Maternal Deprivation:
that Prolonged emotional deprivation
would have long-term consequences
Value of maternal care: Bowlby believed that
Infants needed to experience a warm, continuous
and intimate relationship to develop emotionally
Critical Period: Prolonged separation will
only have a harmful effect if it
happens before 2 1/2 years, and if
there is no substitute mother
Key Study: 44 Juvenile
Thieves- Bowlby analysed
case histories of his
patients in Child
Guidance Clinic, all
children attending were
emotionally maladjusted
88 were studied- half had been
caught stealing, other half were
control group. Bowlby suggested
half were thieves because they
lacked empathy and shame.
Findings- those diagnosed as
affectionless had experienced
frequent separations from their
mothers (86%). Almost none of the
control had experienced separation.
Suggests early separation linked to
affectionless psychopathy
Has affected things like children care
in hospitals- parents are now
encouraged to stay with children
Internal validity: some may have never formed
attachments in the first place, Privation not
deprivation as there was never a bond to break-