The Nervous System


year 10 Psychology Mapa Mental sobre The Nervous System, criado por Annika Dalley em 30-04-2016.
Annika Dalley
Mapa Mental por Annika Dalley , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Annika Dalley
Criado por Annika Dalley mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Nervous System
  1. Central Nervous System
    1. Brain
      1. directs psychological activity
        1. maintains life support
      2. Spinal Chord
        1. receives sensory input
          1. sends information to brain
            1. responds with motor output
      3. Peripheral Nervous System
        1. Somatic Nervous System
          1. conveys sensory info. to CNS
            1. sends major messages to muscles
          2. Autonomic Nervous System
            1. serves basic life functions such as
              1. beating of the heart and
                1. response to stress, involuntary
                  1. Sympathetic Nervous System
                    1. readies the body in response to threat
                    2. Parasympathetic Nervous System
                      1. calms the body down


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