Business Mindmap


GCSE Business studies Mapa Mental sobre Business Mindmap, criado por Jake Stevens em 04-05-2016.
Jake Stevens
Mapa Mental por Jake Stevens, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jake Stevens
Criado por Jake Stevens mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Business Mindmap
  1. A partnership involves 2 -20 people.
    1. to start one you must get a 'deed of partnership'
      1. In a partnership you have an unlimited liabillity.
    2. A sole trader business involves one person.
      1. you will need a reasonable amount of money to start one
      2. Production methods
        1. Mass production - something produced on a mass scale e.g petrol
          1. Batch production - producing a lot of small things e.g biscuits
            1. Job production - work to match the requirements of the customer e.g wedding cake
              1. flow production - when something is finished being made something else starts straight away e.g newspapers
              2. Technology aided production
                1. types of technology
                  1. communications
                    1. Call centre (outsourced)
                      1. Computer databases - used for online booking e.g airliners.
                      2. automated stock control
                        1. Keeping inventory using computers instead of writing it down e.g this is used in retail store for seeing how many clothes they have in stock
                        2. robotics
                          1. Automated Guided Vehicles
                          2. Design technology
                            1. CAD - Computer Aided Design
                              1. CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
                          3. Customer Expectations
                            1. benefits of having a quality products
                              1. Customer are happy with it
                                1. Customers come back
                                  1. Good reputation
                                    1. good word of mouth
                                  2. recruitment
                                    1. Step 1: Job analysis
                                      1. Step 2: understand what you want
                                        1. Step 3: Create a job prescription
                                          1. Step 4: Selection process and criteria
                                            1. Step 5: identify sources and launch search
                                              1. Step 6: shortlist candidates
                                                1. Step 7:make your selection
                                                  1. Step 8: Offer
                                                    1. Step 9: Training
                                                      1. step 10: review
                                                      2. Business objectives
                                                        1. Business objectives (order of importance) 1. Survival 2. Growth 3.sustainable 4.Profit 5. market share 6. satisfaction 7. Ethical
                                                          1. SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevent Time
                                                            1. Stakeholder
                                                              1. Local community
                                                                1. Staff
                                                                  1. Owner
                                                                    1. Suppliers
                                                                      1. Competition
                                                                        1. Bank manager
                                                                          1. Customer


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