Geography: The Long March


Unit 3 textbook pg 52
Yu-Qing Tham
Mapa Mental por Yu-Qing Tham , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yu-Qing Tham
Criado por Yu-Qing Tham mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Geography: The Long March
  1. 10000 BC people hunting for food, as the ice melted
    1. 800 BC Celts, to find land to farm
      1. 43AD Romans, to extend the empire
        1. 500 Saxons, to take control
          1. 800 Vikings, first as raiders, then some settled here
            1. 1066 Normans, to take control
              1. 1685 Huguenots from France, to escape persecution
                1. 1840 Jews from Eastern Europe, to escape persecution
                  1. 1875 Irish people, to escape from a terrible famine in Ireland
                    1. 1938 More Jews, fleeing from all over Europe
                      1. 1946 Poles, Italians, and others, looking for work (Britain was short of workers after the war)
                        1. 1948 West Indians from the Caribbean, looking for work
                          1. 1956 Indians & Pakistanis (& later Bangladeshis) looking for work
                            1. 1960 more Irish looking for work
                              1. 1972 Ugandan Asians, thrown out by a dictator
                                1. 1999 Kurds, Kosovans & others, driven by war
                                  1. 2004 onwards Poles, Latvians & others from other European countries, looking for work; they have the right to work there


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