Global Climate Change - Impacts


Geography Physical Mapa Mental sobre Global Climate Change - Impacts, criado por Nico16 em 23-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por Nico16, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Nico16 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Global Climate Change - Impacts
    1. Farmers will need to be able to grow new crops in warmer climate
      1. Money will be spent on adapting crops to extreme weather
        1. Money will be spent on: -predicting extrme weather -reducing impacts -rebuilding after them
          1. Inductries which help prevent from these weather events will become bigger and make more money
          2. SOCIAL
            1. Diseases which dont exist in UK climate could become common e.g malaria
              1. Farmers will not be able to grow crops in lower latitudes leading to starvation
                1. Places could become uninhabitable so people will need to move causing overcrowding
                  1. Cold related deaths will not be a problem, but warm related deaths will be
                  2. ENVIRONMENTAL
                    1. Global warming cause sea level to rise and will cause low laying islands to be submerged e.g TUVALU
                      1. High temperatures and low rainfall mean environments will turn into deserts
                        1. Species that do not adapt to the changing environment will die out
                        2. POLITICAL
                          1. Water will become a high demand which could put countries into war over it
                            1. Gouvernment put under pressure to reduce effects of climate change
                              1. Increased immigration and emigration


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