Mary I ♡


1 History ♡ Mapa Mental sobre Mary I ♡, criado por Imogen ♡ em 24-05-2016.
Imogen ♡
Mapa Mental por Imogen ♡, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Imogen ♡
Criado por Imogen ♡ mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mary I ♡
  1. She was known as Bloody Mary
    1. She never spoke to her sister
      1. She was the un - liked child
        1. She only ever sent letters to her sister
          1. She killed 300 people in her life time
            1. Most of these she burned
            2. This is a picture of her
              1. She was born on February 18, 1516,
                1. She died on November 17, 1558
                  1. She married Philip II of Spain
                    1. Her parents were Henry VIII of England, Catherine of Aragon
                      1. Her dad Henry VIII never spent time with her
                        1. She was a roman catholic
                          1. This caused conflict because England was a protestant county
                          2. Her sister overthrew her in spite


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