Lecture one


Introduction to Pharmacology (Lecture one) Mapa Mental sobre Lecture one, criado por usmaali em 24-04-2013.
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Lecture one
  1. Drug
    1. A chemical
      1. The active ingredient of a medicine
        1. Any substance that can affect living processes Interact with a biological system and change it
        2. Pharmacology
          1. The study of the mechnism of drug action
            1. their development
              1. their uses
                1. their adverse effects
                  1. their benefical effects
                2. Ages of Pharmacology
                  1. 2000 BC - Egyptains
                    1. Opium, caster oil
                      1. Femur from a hanged man
                      2. 460-377BC - Hippocartes
                        1. Ethics of Medicine
                          1. Willow Bark
                          2. 57 AD - Dioscorides
                            1. Materia medica (log/book/reference) of 500 plants and remedies
                            2. 130-201AD Galen
                              1. Theory of disease
                              2. 980 - 1037 AD
                                1. Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Sina
                                  1. Canon of Medicine
                                    1. Pharmacy and Surgery
                                  2. 1439-1541
                                    1. Paracelsus
                                      1. “The dose maketh the poison”
                                        1. Critical of polypharmacy
                                      2. 18th Century
                                        1. increase use of chemical agents
                                          1. Ether
                                            1. Chloroform
                                              1. Nitrous oxide
                                            2. 19th Century
                                              1. increase systematic scientific activity in many disciplines
                                                1. Detailes and Reliable Botanical Records
                                                  1. Isolation of pure Compounds
                                                    1. Morphione Isolated in 1805
                                                    2. Developments in physiology
                                                      1. Finding the site of the drug
                                                        1. Action of NMJ blockers
                                                2. Subdivisions of Pharmacology
                                                  1. Pharmacodynamics
                                                    1. The study of the effects of drugs
                                                    2. Pharmacokinetics
                                                      1. The study of the movements of drugs
                                                      2. Toxiocology
                                                        1. The study of poisons
                                                        2. Neuropharmacology
                                                          1. The study of the pharmacoogy of nervous system
                                                          2. Immunopharmacology
                                                            1. The study of Pharmacology of the immune system
                                                          3. Pharmacologists
                                                            1. assess drug efficacy
                                                              1. determine the possible adverse effects of the drug
                                                                1. determine the likely effects of overdose
                                                                  1. determine the risks of tolerance and addition
                                                                    1. determine the speed of onset of action
                                                                      1. determine the duration of action and the route of the drug's metabolism and excertion


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