Plants Tree of Origin


Mapa Mental sobre Plants Tree of Origin, criado por hannahrodrigues em 18-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por hannahrodrigues, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hannahrodrigues mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Plants Tree of Origin
  1. NonVascular Plants
    1. Liverworts
      1. Hornworts
        1. Mosses
          1. Looks like they have roots, stem, leaves
            1. no vascular tissue
              1. need water for flagellated sperm
                1. max height of 15-20cm
                2. Important for moisture, mental rentantion
                  1. Toleration of disccation
                  2. Cooksonia (first vascular plant)
                    1. Seedless Vascular Plants
                      1. Ferns
                        1. Lycophytes
                          1. Vascular tissue
                            1. phloem for nutrient transport
                              1. xylem for H2O transport
                            2. First seed plants
                              1. Gymnosperms
                                1. Conifers
                                  1. Monoecious (pollen & seed cones)
                                  2. Cycads
                                    1. Ginkgoes
                                      1. Gnetophytes
                                        1. Seed plants
                                          1. Vascular
                                            1. Don't release spores, but what they develop into
                                            2. Angiosperms (flowering plants)
                                              1. Class: Monocots
                                                1. 1 cotyledon in seed
                                                  1. root xylem + phloem in ring
                                                    1. vascular bundles scattered in stem
                                                      1. leaf veins form parallel pattern
                                                        1. flower parts in 3 and multiples of 3
                                                        2. Class: Eudicots
                                                          1. 2 cotyledon in seed
                                                            1. root phloem between arms of xylem
                                                              1. vascular bundles in distinct ring
                                                                1. Leaf veins form a net pattern
                                                                  1. Flower parts in 4 or 5 and their multiples
                                                                  2. Cotyledon (seed containing nutrients for embryo)


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