Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE


Mapa Mental sobre Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE, criado por Leo Iorio em 30-05-2016.
Leo Iorio
Mapa Mental por Leo Iorio, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Leo Iorio
Criado por Leo Iorio mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE
  1. Devon(English county) 1772 - London 1834
    1. opium as painkiller
      1. Cambridge but no degree
        1. heavy drinking and French revolution supporter
          1. Somerset - Wordsworth
            1. Lake district - journalism
              1. Italy and London
    2. Romantic writer
      1. Works
        1. Poems on various subject 1796
          1. Lyrical Ballads 1798
            1. Christabel and other poems 1816
              1. Biographia Literaria 1817
                1. criticism, philosophical reflection and autobiography
              2. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
                1. seven parts
                  1. Mariner
                    1. Albatross
                      1. curse
                        1. Death and Life-in-Death
                          1. burden of guilt
                  2. realistic and supernatural elements
                    1. sea-monsters, spirits
                    2. archaic language
                      1. sea-voyage = parable of mankind
                        1. albatross kill = original sin
                    3. Wordsworth
              3. share of French revolution ideals
                1. Wordsworth = Conservative turn


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