Brain Abnormalities, PET Scan- Raine 1997


Edexcel Exam Board- one of the main studies in the Biological Approach
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Brain Abnormalities, PET Scan- Raine 1997
  1. AIM
    1. To measure brain activity associated with violence
      1. Comparison between a group of murderers and non murderers
        1. Does it vary?
      2. METHOD
        1. 2 groups
          1. 41 participants in each
            1. Group 1- participants accussed of murder, but pleading guilty by insanity
              1. Group 2- matched control group of non murderers
              2. Groups were matched on a basis of age, sex and schizophrenia
              3. PROCEDURE
                1. Murderers (group 1) sent for brain scanning
                  1. Enable us to identify activity in the brain
                    1. Which parts are using more glucose/ energy
                  2. Both groups were then injected with a tracer substance
                    1. Substance= glucose mixed with radioactive tracer
                      1. Revealing which areas of the brain are more active
                      2. They then took part in a CPT scan
                        1. Detecting certain signals for 32mins
                          1. Once completed a PET scan was given
                            1. Revealing levels of activity in different areas of the brain
                        2. RESULTS
                          1. PARIETAL CORTEX- less activity
                            1. Linked with verbal ability- lower educational achievement
                            2. PRE-FRONTAL CORTEX- less activity
                              1. Linked to self control
                                1. Little/no control over violent impulses
                              2. CORPUS CALLOSSUM- less activity
                                1. Linked to self control
                                2. LIMBIC SYSTEM-
                                  1. Linked to expression and emotion
                                    1. RIGHT SIDE (THALAMUS)
                                      1. More activity
                                      2. LEFT SIDE (AMYGLADA+HIPPOCAMPUS)
                                        1. Less Activity
                                          1. CONCLUSION- aggression and such behaviour is biologically and not environmentally caused


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