Active aging


Mapa Mental sobre Active aging, criado por writetobirdy em 26-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por writetobirdy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por writetobirdy aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Active aging
  1. value
    1. elderly
      1. improve quality of life
        1. extend health life experience
          1. positive attitude
            1. be a contributor
            2. build a positive characterics
            3. society
              1. solve the bad effect of ageing problem
                1. reduce the social cost
                2. explore elderly market
              2. Defination
                1. Health
                  1. Social health
                    1. respect people
                      1. good social network
                      2. sense of belonging
                        1. ability to communicate effectitly
                          1. good physical health
                            1. communication skills
                          2. Physical health
                            1. keep the physical functioning of the human body
                              1. prevent be sick
                                1. build a health life style
                                  1. do exercise
                                    1. balanced nutrition
                                      1. good metal health
                                  2. Metal
                                    1. emotional
                                      1. control emotion
                                        1. express emotion
                                        2. Intellectual
                                          1. memory
                                      2. Paticipation
                                        1. Social
                                          1. material
                                            1. Base on
                                              1. need
                                                1. relationship
                                                  1. family
                                                    1. friendship
                                                  2. desire
                                                    1. enhance health
                                                      1. do exercise
                                                      2. achivement
                                                        1. competition
                                                          1. happy
                                                            1. volunteer
                                                          2. capacties
                                                            1. lots of experence
                                                              1. lots of time
                                                                1. slow speed
                                                          3. Security
                                                            1. security
                                                              1. product
                                                                1. crutch
                                                                  1. reading glass
                                                                    1. wheel chair
                                                                    2. service
                                                                      1. treatment
                                                                        1. nursing house
                                                                      2. care
                                                                        1. family
                                                                          1. love
                                                                            1. friendship
                                                                              1. social activities
                                                                                1. talking
                                                                                  1. go to park
                                                                                    1. go for dim sum
                                                                                      1. volunteer
                                                                                    2. society
                                                                                      1. policy


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