Religion legitimises the suffering of poor as inevitable and
'God-given'. E.g. In Christianity "It is easier for a camel to
pass through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to
enter the kingdom of Heaven"
Creates a 'false consciousness' - distorted view of
reality that prevents poor from trying to change.
Lenin - Religion is 'spiritual gin'. Obscures
reality for working class to prevent them from
overthrowing ruing class
Legitimates the power of ruling class as divine right. E.g, Royalty
is God's representation, making disobedience a sinful challenge
Christianity: " To resist power is to resist God"
Hindu 'Caste System'
Religion and
Alienation is more extreme under capitalism:
workers do not own what they produce
Workers have no freedom. Turn to
religion to dull the pain.
"Religion is the opium of the people"
No solution to the
problems on Earth
Promises the afterlife as an illusion of a
Legitimises both the suffering of the poor
and power of the ruling class
Ignores positives such as psychological
adjustment to misfortune
Some Marxists see alienation as
'non-scientific' and therefore inadequate
theory. E,g. Althusser (1971).
Abercrombie and Turner (1978) - Religion is ineffective
as ideology. E.g. Pre-capitalist Christianity had limited
impact on peasants.
In communist society, religion ceases to
exist because there is no need for it
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