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Nazi: Methods of Control
Mapa Mental sobre Nazi: Methods of Control, criado por n4tinho em 27-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
quase 11 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Nazi: Methods of Control
Jews hangings were thought of as a way to break spirits of life and freedom
Nazi soldiers were not to be disobeyed
Less punishments were given to the strong Prisoners because they were seen as useful
The average punishment was the whip since it usually beat out the rebellious side of the jews
Some Nazi soldiers found killing quite fun
Old people, women and children were just shooting and burning objects
Nazis usually broke prisoners by taking their most prized possessions, such as boots, crowns and families
Starving was a common occurence due to the very small rations and the more hungry and violent prisoners
Cripples never made it far once they made it to the camp
Different races and homosexuals were used as experiments, sometimes they died but sometimes they didnt
If a homosexual was to hide their belief and was caught being it, they were either shot or hung
Many women of any age, looks, shapes and sizes were used for prostitution
Women that refused to do such acts that the Nazi's wished; died
Women sometimes used the rapes as a way to escape or kill the soldier privately
Rarely there would be a soldier that payed before a killing because it was just for them to stay alive
If their life wasn't at risk some soldiers would of quit, most soldiers got arrested by the U.S army
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