How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?


Mapa Mental sobre How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?, criado por jovellwilliams em 03-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por jovellwilliams, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jovellwilliams mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?
  1. Poster
    1. I believe that the correlation between my ancillary tasks and main tasks was effective, as I used similar themes that are found within each of my media outlets. My poster uses conventions such as the poster having dark contrasts so that the main character within the poster has a ominous feel to her like she had just been attacked by the zombie. This fits with the main film as it fits with the horror genre allowing the target audience to relate the poster to the short film 'RUN'. Through my research i also realised the importance that the film industry had on branding their media products especially films, with this in mind it allowed me to focus on the image of the film an how it represented the chosen genre. In the decsion of choosing the final shot as the poster I believed it would be suitable as the close up picture allowed the poster to have a more direct impact on the target audience as her skin is pale and eyes blackened however she is looking directly at the viewer.
      1. When shown to people of my target audience the poster had general positie feedback as it fit most conventions and almost every person from my target group could associate the film poster with horror. However people did believe that my poster could of had more text so it looked more like a movie poster. The font of the text was also a crucial addition that i foun
    2. Magazine Review
      1. The magazine review was also a key component in the branding of our film this not only allowed us to recieve audience feedback it also gave an eye catching view on how the film will be portrayed and what type of target audience will most enjoy the production. The magazine was heavly inspired by empire magazine, even using the brand name to cover the review of our film.

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