"Corporate Governance" by: Lynn Stout


What do shareholders really value
Dylan Castellanos Mendoza
Mapa Mental por Dylan Castellanos Mendoza, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dylan Castellanos Mendoza
Criado por Dylan Castellanos Mendoza mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

"Corporate Governance" by: Lynn Stout
  1. What do shareholders really value
    1. Shareholder value thinking
      1. Possesses the business world today
    2. The owners of the company are nobody
      1. Shareholders are the ultimate owners of the corporation
        1. Corporations are independent "persons"
          1. From which all have to obtain a benefit
        2. Stakeholders
          1. Goverment
            1. Customers
              1. Community
                1. Suppliers
                  1. Environment
                  2. The aim of the corporation is to maximize profits
                    1. The really aim of the corporation is to make all that is lawful
                    2. The shareholders are not the principals and the board the agents
                      1. Short term hurts the long term
                        1. Ej: Fishing with dynamite
                        2. The moral behavior
                          1. A psychopath only thinks in profits
                            1. As a human being a shareholder wants to be a socially responsable citizen


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