After Creation, Man is living in the
garden of Eden, a paradise in the
presence of God
Adam and Eve only had one rule, never eat
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Unfortunately, Man was tricked by Satan
in the form of a snake into eating the
forbidden fruit.
God banishes Adam and Eve from the
Garden, and lays curses on both of them.
Man will have to work to get food, and
woman will have a painful childbearing.
God places an angel with a flaming sword at
the edge of the garden to make sure they
never return.
Man gets farther and farther from God,
and they sin more and more.
God regrets ever creating humans, and so he plans to
wipe them from the face of the earth.
Noah finds favor in the eyes of the Lord, and so God tells
him to build a huge ship so that his family might live.
Pairs of animals from all over come and board
Noah's ship so that God can preserve them as well
God causes a flood that wipes all of his creation from
the face of the earth, but Noah and his family
survive. God shows them a rainbow as a sign that he
will never destroy earth with a flood again.
Noah's Descendants spread over the earth.
Abram is called by God to leave his hometown and move.
God promises to make him the father of many nations.
Abram and his nephew Lot split directions, and
Abram chooses land far away from wickedness.
God changes Abram's name to Abraham
and promises him a son through Sarah.
Issac is born to Sarah when both she and Abraham are extremely old.
Sarah gets angry at Hagar (who she gave to Abraham as a
concubine) and her son Ishmael, forcing Abraham to send
them away. Ishmael will go on to father the Arab nations
The story culminates with God asking
Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac.
Abraham is about to kill his son, but God
spares Issac and Abraham sacrifices a
ram instead. This story points forward to
Jesus, and how God would later sacrifice
his own son.
Joseph is the second to last son born to
Israel, and he is the favorite child. His father
gives him a multicolored coat to show his
Joseph has 2 dreams that tell him that he will rule over his
brothers, and he tells them about them. Because he is the
favorite and because of his dreams, his brothers hate him
and sell him into slavery.
In Egypt, he is so sucsesful that his master
makes him head of the entire household.
Unfortunatly, the masters wife falsely accuses
Joseph of raping her, and Joseph is sent to
In prison he interprets two dreams of his fellow
inmates, and years later when the Pharaoh is also
having dreams, the inmate remembers him and
suggests him to interpret the dreams. He is able to tell
Pharaoh what his dreams mean and is promoted to
Pharaoh's right hand man.
Pharaoh's dreams predict a coming famine, and so
Joseph collects most of the grain in the land into huge
storages. When the famine comes, there is plenty of
food for everyone. Back in Canaan, there is also a
famine, so Israel's sons head down to Egypt to get food.
They re-unite with Joseph, and so the family is saved.
Israel's family moves to Egypt for good and begin to
multiply, living off the fat of the land.
A new Pharaoh enslaves all of Israel, and
they are forced to do manual labor, but
they still multipy.
Pharaoh decrees all the male children born to Israel, but one is
put in the Nile, and is found by an Egyptian princess. He is
named Moses and is raised in the royal family. When he is
older, he sees an Egyptian beating an Israelite and kills the
Egyptian. Once he learns that people found out he flees Egypt.
Moses arrives in Midian, and marries a girl from there,
becoming a sheppard in the wilderness. One day while he is
working in the mountains, he sees a bush on fire but not
being burned up. He comes close and hears the voice of God
telling him To go save his people from Egypt.
In Egypt, he is forced to preform 10 miracles in the form of
plagues to convince Pharaoh to let his people leave bondage.
Once the Israelites leave, Pharaoh changes his mind, and pursues
Israel with the greatest army to exist at the time. With their backs
to the Red Sea, Israel is terrified, but God saves them by splitting
the sea in half, and the walk across on dry ground. The egyptian
army tries to follow them, but the water crashes in on them and
the entire army drowns.
Israel travels to Mt. Sinai, where Moses goes up the mountain
and receives the 10 commandments, and Israel makes a
covenant with God at the base of the mountain. They travel
towards the land promised to Abraham by God.
Moses dies before he can enter the promised land, a punishment
from God for disobeying Him.
Joshua & The Judges
Joshua succeds Moses as leader as the Israelites, and
they enter the promised land, defeating the city of
Jericho along the way
The Israelites purge the land of most of the current
inhabitants, and the land is split up between the 12
tribes, who begin to settle and farm the land given to
them by God.
The next generation knows nothing of God
and turn from his commandments and his
ways. They break the ten commandment and
worship other gods, beginning the age of the
And so a cycle begins. The people of Israel turn their bacs
on God, so he gives them into the hands of their enemies.
Israel realizes it's mistake, and plead to God to save them.
God sends a judge to liberate them from their oppressors,
and Israel worships God untill the Judge dies.
Eventually Israel gets tired of this and they demand a King
The first king, Saul, sins against God so the
prophet Samuel is sent looking for a new
king. David, a young sheppard is chosen.
Still a sheppard, David is sent to the war to give food to
his brothers. When he arrives he finds a massive soldier
names Goliath taunting the entire army and God. David
faces him in one on one combat and kills him.
David enters the service of Saul,
Saulwho begin to hate him for his
success. Saul tries to kill David, but
God delivers him. Saul hunts david for
Saul is killed by another army, so David
becomes King. He begins a huge military
conquest against the surrounding
Despit being a man after God's own heart,
David has some lust issues leading to his
first child being killed. He has many children,
who will grow up to argue over the throne.
God refuses to let David build Him a temple.
Later, David dies.
Down the line, because of over taxation,
Israel splits into the northern and
southern kingdoms.
The following kings of both nations lead the
people farther and farther from God,
specifically the northern kingdom.
After warnings from many prophets, the most
famous being Isaiah, God allows the northern
kinddom to be taken over by Assyria, who take
the entire nation into captivity.
The norther kindom is dispersed, and
because of their sin God allows the
southern kindgdom to be carried off as well by Babylon.
And so the entire nation of Israel was put into captivity
for the first time since Moses.