Organic Synthesis


Mapa Mental sobre Organic Synthesis, criado por noahsark275 em 08-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por noahsark275, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por noahsark275 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Organic Synthesis
  1. give examples to illustrate the importance of organic synthesis in research for the production of useful products
    1. explain why sensitive methods of chemical analysis are important when planning and monitoring organic syntheses
      1. deduce the empirical formulae, molecular formulae and structural formulae from data drawn from combustion analysis, elemental percentage composition, characteristic reactions of functional groups, infrared spectra, mass spectra and nuclear magnetic resonance
        1. predicting the properties of unfamiliar compounds containing one or more of the functional groups included in the specification, and explain these predictions ii planning reaction schemes of up to four steps, recalling familiar reactions and using unfamiliar reactions given sufficient information iii selecting suitable practical procedures for carrying out reactions involving compounds with functional groups included in the specification iv identifying appropriate control measures to reduce risk during a synthesis based upon data of hazards v understanding why, in the synthesis of stereo-specific drugs, it is important to understand the mechanism of the reaction and how this can help to plan the synthesis
          1. explain why the pharmaceutical industry has adopted combinatorial chemistry in drug research, including passing reactants over reagents on polymer supports
            1. describe and carry out, where appropriate, the preparation of a compound, eg cholesteryl benzoate (a liquid crystal) and of methyl 3-nitrobenzoate, requiring some of the following techniques: i refluxing ii purification by washing, eg with water and sodium carbonate solution iii solvent extraction iv recrystallization v drying vi distillation vii steam distillation viii melting temperature determination ix boiling temperature determination.


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