Enterprise Architecture


Mapa Mental sobre Enterprise Architecture, criado por jkenyon em 29-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por jkenyon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jkenyon mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Enterprise Architecture
  1. Architecture can vary in differenes


    • such as scale, process, costs and schedule and skills and development skills required to make the architect. without an architecture, things can go bad in the making of buildings etc.. not thought out right.
    1. Poor achitecture = bad design and fails to meet requirements
      1. Good architecture means its coherent and fit for purpose.
    2. IEEE 1471-2000


      • This is the software architecture standard! Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems
      1. software architecture is driven by


        • performance, resilience, usability and maintainability. 
        1. Stakeholders


          • stakeholders need to be part of the software design and architecture as these are the people who will be using it. 
        2. Departments that need to be taken into consideration with architecture..


          • Finance Human resources Manufacturing Marketing and distribution Entertainment
          1. EA Levels


            • An enterprise architecture is typically thought of as comprising a number of levels.
            1. Business


              • Business goals, organisation business processes e.g. how the business is organised. 
              1. Application


                • The software application e.g.g HR, CRM (customer relationship management)
                1. Technology


                  • The infrastructure s/w and h/w capabilities
            2. EA offers


              • EA offers a way to understand the as-is enterprise, it’s business processes, applications and infrastructure
              1. Archimate illustrates Enterprise Architecture
                1. provides languages for modelling at the business, application and technology level.
                2. application layer should support the business layer


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