what ways does your media product use/develop forms and conventions of real media products
Mapa Mental sobre what ways does your media product use/develop forms and conventions of real media products, criado por stockers_jack3023 em 09-03-2014.
what ways does your media
product use/develop forms
and conventions of real media
Lighting was a big part to in our media production as it shows good and evil. The main part in
which this is shown is when Connor is on the phone to me and as I am in the light and he is in
dark showing that he is the antagonist and i am the protagonist.
We decided that the antagonist should be in darkness as it shows mystery which would be another convention of thriller.
The idea came from the film Taken in which are similar events happen. This would also allow the audience to feel suspense
and therefor will want to watch the whole film. As we are teenagers we are the ones who normally watch thrillers and because
of this it allows us to give input into what sort of things other people would want in a thriller film.
Relationships is another thing in which we touched on whilst creating our film with the friend
relationship and the father son relationship. We did this as they will feel more attached to
the characters and also could see themselves as those characters making them more
inticed towards our opening title sequence
As a group we came up with the idea that a flickering light would work well for a thriller film and then my character would go towards
a secret draw to pull our his weapons for the challenge that has been set. With the use of foley we were able to make the sound of a
latch when we were opening the draw.
As i have said before we are a key audience for films and therefor we had taken some ideas from thriller films
for example Connor came up with the idea that me and daneil would resemble pulp fiction. This is because in
Pulp fiction there are many parts in which suspense is created and as that is another convention of thriller we
wanted to create it in our opening title sequence
Key aspect which is in every thriller films is setting. whilst we were talking about
the setting for our film we said that it should fit a typical thriller setting. A typical
scene is from 'The Dark Knight' at the end of the film where they are in a dark room
and the setting allows a aspect of mystery and suspicion into what could happen
next. I believe that our last scene also create that sort of atmosphere
Our last scene is filmed in a wide open field where there is an abandoned barn where
our camera man was able to get the shot which made the film have a scene of
mystery and eeriness.