General Theory systems


teoria general de sistemas
jhon alexander ruiz buitrago
Mapa Mental por jhon alexander ruiz buitrago, atualizado more than 1 year ago
jhon alexander ruiz buitrago
Criado por jhon alexander ruiz buitrago mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

General Theory systems
  1. closed systems
    1. physical system It does not interact with other physical agents outside of it.
    2. open systems
      1. Are you connected correccionalmente factors external to it .
        1. INPUT
          1. OUTPUT
      2. entropy
        1. All systems They tend to disorder
          1. result
        2. synergy
          1. The whole is not equal to the sum parts of
            1. compression system only It presents when evaluating a whole and no separate parts
          2. there are systems within a system


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