Chapter 6: Cultural Theory & Material Culture


Chapter 6
Tetyana Zhyvotovska
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Tetyana Zhyvotovska
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Chapter 6: Cultural Theory & Material Culture
  1. Clotaire Rapaille & Culture Codes
    1. Culture is a series of codes that we learn while we grow up & that shape our behavior in many different areas.
      1. Imprints: most central beliefs & attitudes in the culture or subculture in which children raised.
        1. Why do we act the way we do?
          1. "cultural" unconscious
            1. Culture code concept: every artifact reflects certain national, cultural, or subcultural attitudes & values that have been imprinted on young children growing up in a given culture.
              1. The codes often suggest "correct" combination of foods & other objects.
          2. Mary Douglas & Grid-Group Theory
            1. The objects & services that we buy & possess are culturally defined and best understood as being tied to our lifestyles.
              1. shopping
                1. purchasing things
                2. Lifestyles
                  1. fatalist
                    1. egalitarian
                      1. individualistic
                        1. elitist
                        2. Grid-group theory
                          1. strength of boundaries
                            1. rules & prescriptions
                          2. Myth & Material Culture
                            1. The Myth Model & Material Culture
                              1. Mark Gottdiener on Cultural Studies
                                1. cultural objects
                                  1. institutions
                                    1. social groups
                                    2. Culture
                                      1. Many cultural values & beliefs are incorporated into or reflected by material culture.
                                        1. Culture is concerned with the production & exchange of meanings ... between the members of a society or group (S. Hall)
                                        2. Anthropology: the study of human beings. It is a scientific studyof the physical, social, and cultural development of man.
                                          1. cultural anthropology deals with the analysis of social life & the relationshipbetween culture & personality
                                            1. linguistic anthropology focuses on language
                                              1. Archaeology: branch of anthropology that studies the past by using ancient artifacts & other materials
                                                1. Anthropological theory: central concept - cultiure; the role culture plays in creation & use.


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