My Training Path


My training path
Carla Cruz
Mapa Mental por Carla Cruz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carla Cruz
Criado por Carla Cruz mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

My Training Path
  1. Investment Management Specialization
    1. This specialization will help me take better investment decisions through practical courses. I will develop a 5 year investment plan, taking into account the impact of financial markets in the world. This will help me perfection my skills to create a successful investment portfolio.
      1. University of Geneva
    2. Financial Markets
      1. This course will provide me with the general information about financial markets. I will be able to predict the market's actions and understand the evolution it has had in history, as well as identify how investors take decisions.
        1. Yale University
      2. The Global Financial Crisis
        1. This course will give me a general panorama of which aspects are involved during a crisis, in addition I will learn the importance of the participation o powerful economies like the USA and EU in the crisis and how this impacts the rest of the world.
          1. Yale University
        2. Economics of Money and Banking
          1. This course will enlighten me about the new market we're living in which is mainly based in credits. I will learn how the central bank cooperation is vital during financial crisis when the vulnerabilities of this new system are seen.
            1. Columbia University


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