our country india


Mapa Mental sobre our country india, criado por Nila Saha em 05-09-2016.
Nila Saha
Mapa Mental por Nila Saha, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nila Saha
Criado por Nila Saha mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

our country india
  1. Thar Desert
    1. land covered with sand
      1. Little rainfall
        1. Dry and hot summer
          1. Difficult life
        2. islands
          1. piece of land surrounded by water
            1. islands in Arabian Sea
              1. Lakshadweep
              2. island in Bay of Bengal
                1. Andaman And Nicober Islands
            2. Himalayan Mountain Ranges
              1. portion of earth rise steeply
                1. extremely cold
                  1. Ganga,Yamuna,Brahamaputra River
                  2. Northern plain or Gangetic Plain
                    1. Hot summer cold winter
                      1. Fertile Land
                        1. Thickly Populated
                        2. Deccan Plateu
                          1. Flat topped region raised above the surrounding land
                            1. penninsula
                              1. Bay of Bengal in east
                                1. Arabian sea west
                                  1. Krishna ,Kaveri,Godavari ,Mahanadi River
                                    1. Fertile Soil
                                  2. Seventh largest
                                    1. Part of Asia
                                      1. Second Populated country in world
                                        1. Many Landforms


                                          ACENTUAÇÃO GRÁFICA
                                          Viviana Veloso
                                          Gramática para o First Certificate II
                                          GoConqr suporte .
                                          Citologia IV (Organelas celulares)
                                          Luiz Antonio Lopes
                                          Seguridade Social e o PAS
                                          Clara Fonseca
                                          Teorias da Personalidade
                                          Teoria do Crime
                                          Carolina Fernanda Silva
                                          Avaliação de Alunos
                                          Alessandra S.
                                          Regras NBRs
                                          Maria Clara Oliveira
                                          Simulado 12 - Português - 5ºs anos
                                          Teorema de Pitágoras 2
                                          Paula Neto
                                          Cardiologia (Clínica)
                                          manoel junior