Altruism and morality


Mapa Mental sobre Altruism and morality, criado por Eva Hammond em 12-03-2014.
Eva Hammond
Mapa Mental por Eva Hammond, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eva Hammond
Criado por Eva Hammond quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Altruism and morality
  1. Definitions
    1. Morality - The ability to distinct between right and wrong
      1. Empathy -Ability to understand others emotions and experience emotions that match to these
        1. Emotional contagion - The tendency for two individuals to emotionally converge, via automatic mimicry
        2. Compassion - Feeling and acting kindly towards another
        3. Empathy
          1. Emotional Contagion
            1. E. Palagi, A. Leone, G. Mancini and P. F. Ferrari Yawning in Gelada baboons
              1. Sympathetic concern
                1. Perspective taking
                2. Mimicry, coordination
                  1. Neccesity for social living and surveil
                3. Empathy as explanation for altruism
                  1. Not just cognitive process but also automatic
                    1. Mirror neurons
                    2. Binti Jua case study
                    3. Morality
                      1. Punishment for breaking social rules in chimps
                      2. Fairness
                        1. Evolutionary necessity
                          1. Kin selection
                            1. Evolutionary stable stratergy
                              1. Russian doll model
                                1. Benefits to living in groups - Oxytocin release (Animals in translation)
                                  1. By product of evolution to live socially
                                  2. Mirror neurons
                                  3. Altruism
                                    1. Sterile castes
                                      1. Ultimate cause vs Proximate cause
                                        1. Why learned altruism rare - future rewards to far ahead from animals conception
                                          1. Selfish-based altruism
                                          2. Humans empathy
                                            1. Veneer theory
                                              1. Behavioural - are morals learnt (do babies have morals)
                                                1. Religion


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