outcome 7 and 8


7.outline the movement of the sun, earth and moon durig a solar, luna eclipse. 8. identify that tides are caused because of the forces of the suns moon on the water on the earths surface (hydrosphere)
Mapa Mental por dmilliem, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dmilliem mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

outcome 7 and 8
  1. elipse- when light from sun and moon is blocked
    1. solar is bigger than luna
      1. Solar
        1. @ night
          1. sun & moon opposite sides of the earth
        2. Luna
          1. moon passes between sun and earth
            1. blocks light from sun to earth
      2. gravity: the force of attraction between the center of the earth and and any physical body that has mass
        1. spring tide.- have greater diffrene between low and high tide. the moon + sunpulls in oposite direction cause less water to be attracted to the height tide side.
          1. neap tide- greater diffrence between hight and low tides. moon and sun pull in same direction which causes more water to be attracted to the hight tide side.
          2. moon has biggest impact oj tides
            1. closer 2 earth so it gives bigger gravitational pull compared to the sun
            2. 6 hrs between low and high tide
              1. 2 hight, 2 low


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