The GED Science Subject Test


Mapa Mental sobre The GED Science Subject Test, criado por menaka.sachdev em 13-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por menaka.sachdev, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por menaka.sachdev aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The GED Science Subject Test
  1. Earth and Space Science
    1. 20% of Test
      1. Tests Your Knowledge of: The solar system, what the earth is made of, the earth's structure, and the earth's role in the universe
    2. Life Sciences
      1. 45% of Test
        1. Biology
          1. Ecology
            1. Tests Your Knowledge of: Living things, micro-organisms, plants, cells, genes, and evolution
      2. Physical Science
        1. 35% of Test
          1. Chemistry
            1. Physics
              1. Tests Your Knowledge of: Objects, Substances, Energy, and Chemicals
        2. 80 Minutes
          1. 50 Multiple Choice Questions
            1. Questions may feature graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams
          2. Scoring between 200-800 points
            1. Passing score is 410+


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