Top Athletes Looking for an Edge


Doping Mapa Mental sobre Top Athletes Looking for an Edge, criado por zooeythecalisi em 16-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por zooeythecalisi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por zooeythecalisi mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Top Athletes Looking for an Edge
  1. Steroids scandal
    1. Public perception that all athletes are on drugs
      1. Upsetting for clean athletes
        1. Test me I'm clean
          1. Calls into questions hard work, honesty and honor
      2. Victims of doping
        1. Clean athletes who lose
          1. Clean athletes who are suspected of doping
          2. History
            1. Drug use
              1. Ancient Greeks
                1. Special drinks and potions
                2. 1904
                  1. Cocaine, heroin and Strych-nine
                  2. 1960
                    1. Danish athlete died
                  3. 1968 ban
                    1. protect health
                      1. short term damage
                        1. heart disease and cancer
                    2. Reasons for ban
                      1. Health
                        1. Integrity of the Games


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