-Develop measurement
techniques that made it
possible to describe (ex)
behaviour correctly
Understanding and Prediction
-Scientists believe they have a
better understanding of
what's going on/events when
they can explain reason for
A hypothesis is a
statement about the
relationship between
2 or more variables
Variables measure
that are controlled or
Application and Control
Theory's are systems of
interrelated ides used to explain
Step 5 Report The Findings
To report the findings they use a journal -It is
a periodical that publishes technical and
scholarly material -Usually in a narrowly
defined area of inquiry
The process of publishing
allows experts to critique and
analyze their findings and
disclose any flaws
Step 1 Formulate a Hypothesis
Variables must be
clearly defined
Operational Definition describes the
actions or operations that will be used
to measure or control a variable
Step 2 Select the method and Design the study
How to put the hypothesis into Empirical Test;
Once a method is chosen, (experiments, case
studies, surveys) they must make a detailed
How many participants, Who
(animals or humans), age,
Step 3 Collect Data
Data Collection Techniques Include:
Direct observation
Psychological Test
Examination of
Archival records
Step 4 Analyze the data and draw conclusions
Observations are usually put into numbers
Researchers use statistics to analyze
their data and decide whether their
hypothesis was supported
Experimental Research
Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent Variable is a condition or event that
an experiment varies in order to see its impact on
another variable
Dependent Variable is thought to be
affected by the manipulation of the
The dependent measures the subjects behaviours
Experimental and Control Groups
The Experimental Group consist of the subjects who
receive some special treatment in regard to the
independent variable
The Control Group consists of similar subjects
who do not receive special treatment
Variations in Designing Experiments
Some experiments can be
conducted with just one
independent and dependent
Sometimes it has a
advantage to use one group
of subjects that serve as
their own control group
It is also possible to manipulate more than
1 independent variable in a experiment
Extraneous Variables
Extraneous Variables are any variables other than
the independent variable that seems likley to
influence the dependent variable in a specific study
A Cofounding Variable occurs when 2 variables are linked
together in a way that makes it difficult to sort out their specific
Random assignment of subjects occurs when all subjects
have an equal chance of being assigned to any group or
condition of the study
Mean, Median and Mode
The Mean is the
average of the
scores in
The Median is the score
that stands exactly in the
center of the distribution
The Mode is the most
frequent score in
Experimenter Bias
Experimenter Bias happens when a
researchers expectations about the
outcome influence the results obtained
One problem with this is
sometimes researchers see what
they want to see
One other problem with this is called the
double-blind procedure, it is a research
strategy that neither subjects or experimenters
know which group is which
Advantages and Disadvantages
of Correlation Research
An advantage to this method is it gives
researchers a different way to explore
the questions that could not be examined
using experimental procedures
Descriptive correlation broadens
the scope of phenomena that
psychologists are able to study
One disadvantage is that
researchers cannot
control events to isolate
cause and effect
Correlation research cannot
demonstrate that two variables are
A placebo effect is when participants are
in an experiment and their expectations
are lead on the be on thing even though
what they have received was fake.
In a survey, researchers use questionnaires or
interviews to gather information about
specific aspects of the participants behaviour
Surveys are also used in for social issues in the public
One major problem with surveys are
they depend on self report data
Case Studies
A Case Study is an in-depth investigation of an individual subject
Case Studies work particularly well when
working with psychological disorders and
neuropsychological issues
One main problem with Case Studies is they are very
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