Material deprivation


A Levels Sociology (Education) Mapa Mental sobre Material deprivation, criado por dottydiva96 em 17-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por dottydiva96, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dottydiva96 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Material deprivation
  1. Housing
    1. Over-crowding means less room to study
      1. Indian families most over-crowded but second high performing ethnicity
      2. Disruption of schooling
      3. Health and diet
        1. Poorer families live in damper conditions
          1. Flu, respiratory illnesses etc
            1. More sick leave from school
              1. More likely to have emotional/behavioural problems
            2. Financial support and the costs of education
              1. Lack resources
                1. Can lead to bullying when children do not have expensive things
                  1. 20% eligible for FSM do not take them
                    1. Can't afford uni and don't want to be more in debt
                      1. Part-time jobs negatively affect school work
                      2. 33% of FSM students 5A*-C GCSE
                        1. 90% of 'failing' schools located in deprived areas


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