A Streetcar named desire Alternative titles


A Mind map on alternative titles for A street car named desire
Theodore  Barclay
Mapa Mental por Theodore Barclay, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Theodore  Barclay
Criado por Theodore Barclay aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

A Streetcar named desire Alternative titles
  1. Moth
    1. Short life span
      1. Vulnerable and delicate
        1. Clothes are old
          1. Moths eat clothes
          2. Come out at night
            1. Moths are attracted to lights
              1. A lady of the night
                1. Moths are fragile
                  1. The same as Blanche's emotional state
                  2. Afraid of being seen in daylight
                    1. Afraid of the light
                    2. Poker night
                      1. Beginning of the end
                        1. All the characters together
                          1. Everyone is at their truest character
                            1. stop pretending
                            2. In Poker, you win or lose
                              1. Blanche lost Belle Reve
                                1. Stella won Husband
                                2. Male Dominance
                                  1. Original scene from which he wrote the play
                                    1. Blanche meets Mitch
                                    2. Primary Colours
                                      1. Meat package is red
                                        1. Primary colours
                                        2. 3 main characters with different personalities
                                          1. Animalistic emotions
                                            1. Colours built into the fabric of the play
                                            2. A Lasso 'round the Moon
                                              1. Possession
                                                1. Romance
                                                  1. Trying to capture something impossible
                                                    1. Everything is just out of reach
                                                      1. 'It's A wonderful life'


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