

This is about an endangered species, Elephants. Information about the different types, their habitats, feeding, and fun facts!
Macie Leheny
Mapa Mental por Macie Leheny, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Macie Leheny
Criado por Macie Leheny mais de 8 anos atrás

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MreXywCFRc
  1. Types of Elephants
    1. African
      1. Largest in Size
        1. Big Ears
          1. Both Male and Female have Tusks
          2. Asian
            1. Small Ears
              1. Only Males have Tusks
                1. Approx. 12 ft tall
                2. Learn More!


                  • http://www.elephant-world.com/types-of-elephants/
                3. Habitat
                  1. Grasslands
                    1. Forests
                      1. Savannahs
                        1. Swamps
                          1. Read more about their habitats!


                            • http://www.elephant-world.com/elephant-habitat/
                          2. Fun Facts!
                            1. They're highly intelligent.
                              1. They can drink between 30-50 gallons of water a day.
                                1. They have four teeth.
                                  1. Full grown adult tooth can weigh 9 pounds or more.
                                2. Feeding
                                  1. Herbivores
                                    1. Only eat Meat.
                                    2. Grab fruit from tops of trees.
                                      1. Spend up to 16 hours grazing.
                                        1. Learn more about their diet!


                                          • http://www.elephant-world.com/elephant-feeding/


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                                        Maddison Martine
                                        Plano de Estudo - Semana 1
                                        Alessandra S.
                                        Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #9
                                        Eduardo .
                                        Improbidade Administrativa - Lei 8429/92 - Art. 10
                                        Suzy Nobre
                                        Resumo global da matéria de Biologia e Geologia (10.º e 11.º anos)_2
                                        BIOLOGIA - SEMANA 1
                                        Camila Tais
                                        Gestão de Pessoas: 6 dicas para ser mais eficiente
                                        Liliane Tubino
                                        Respiração aeróbia - 10º ano
                                        Avaliação de Alunos
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                                        Direito Constitucional e Administrativo
                                        Maria José