Computer Science - computer systems


Nicole B
Mapa Mental por Nicole B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nicole B
Criado por Nicole B mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Computer Science - computer systems
  1. Definition of a computer system
    1. A computer system is a system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various devices such as: PRINTERS, SCANNERS, ROUTERS, ETC.
      1. Many people now use computers in their jobs, and this allows them to be able to save, print and edit the document whenever needed to. It allows them to make changes to important documetents, and with this comes a money to which they are paid for doing the job.
        1. Computers are also used for big performance systems, such as AIRPLANES, SHIPS, MEDICINE DEVICES, SPACE ROCKETS, ETC.
          1. People also use the INERNET, which is a PC program. This is used on a day-to-day business for almost everyone who owns their own computer. The internet allows them to run their business online. Without the internet, many widely known branches wouldn't be able to become as successful as they already are. This is another reason why COMPUTER SYSTEMS are important in the modern world.
          2. RELIABILITY
            1. DATA is stored on computer, and when lost, it can cause major problems for Hospitals or the business.
              1. Also software's are kept on computer systems, and if that fails, it can sometimes mean businesses are in big trouble- everything that their business will be built on, will be lost.
              2. NEED for adherence....
                1. Without standards to adhere, people risk developing systems that are not compatible with each other.


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