It is the knowledge that a
native speaker has about
a language
Lexical categorization
The form and meanings of words and phrases
Relationships between words and phrases, and
categories of words and phrases.
To develop a self-learning metacognitive
strategy based on lexical availability for
future teachers in EFLprogram
68 students from LEBEI
Lexical Availability Test
Theoretical Framework
Bartol (2010)
Lexicon as the most complex component
Plan Nacional de Inglés (2014)
Students and teacher do not achieve good results.
Jimenez (2014)
Great tool for the learning and
teaching process of languages
Lacks of vocabulary knowledge
Zimmerman and Schunk (2008)
The person decides what to learn
Research Questions
How does a self-learning metacognitive strategy based on lexical
availability affect undergraduate students’ proficiency an EFL teaching
How does a self-learning metacognitive strategy based
on lexical availability influence undergraduate students’
proficiency level in an EFL teaching program?