Sectors of the economy


This mind-map explains the three economic sectors in our world
Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz
Mapa Mental por Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz
Criado por Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Sectors of the economy
  1. Primary Sector
    1. Agricuture
      1. Cereals
        1. Cotton
          1. Fruit
          2. Livestock farming
            1. Raising animals for food
              1. Leather
                1. Wool
                2. Forestry
                  1. Wood
                    1. Resin
                      1. Cork
                        1. Rubber
                        2. Fishing
                          1. Fish
                            1. Molluscs
                              1. Crustaceans
                              2. Produce raw materials
                              3. Tertiary Sector
                                1. Tourism
                                  1. Commerce
                                    1. Transport and communications
                                      1. Services
                                        1. Distribute Non-material goods
                                        2. Secondary Sector
                                          1. Manufactures raw materials
                                            1. Mining
                                              1. Industrial activities
                                                1. Construction
                                                  1. Energy production


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