Language Change


A level English Language A2 Mapa Mental sobre Language Change, criado por Kate Lea em 01-05-2013.
Kate Lea
Mapa Mental por Kate Lea, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kate Lea
Criado por Kate Lea quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Language Change
  1. Causes of language change
    1. Sociolinguistic reasons
      1. class systems and their changing nature
        1. Politics and power systems
          1. Invasions
          2. Conflict and wars
            1. social trends and fashions
              1. New technologies
                1. Access to education
                2. Globalisation


                  • The world is getting smaller so we have access to more language and other languages are influenced by us
                  1. Borrowings
                    1. Pidgins and creoles
                      1. Cultural infusion - language has expanded hugely due to cultural 'rubbing of shoulders'
                    2. Studying language change
                      1. Approaches
                        1. Descriptive approach


                          • commenting on language rather than making a judgement; language develops gradually and inevitably - deals with appropriateness rather than 'correctness'
                          1. More modern approach
                          2. Prescriptive approach


                            • Making judgements about language; saying what language definitiely 'is' rather than what it might be. Say that language is decaying.
                            1. Crumbling Castle theory etc.
                          3. Attitudes
                            1. Crumbling castle - lang. was once a beautiful castle to but has been left to fall into disrepair.
                              1. Language web - lang. is intertwined and inter-connected.
                                1. Cuckoo's nest - theory of lexical change, that multiple words exist but that a dominant word kicks the others out of the nest
                                  1. damp spoon - laziness causes language deterioration
                                    1. language tree - that language is like a tree with branches of variation, a trunk of similarity etc.
                                    2. Study
                                      1. Diachronic - over time - how language changes over time
                                        1. Synchronic - a snapshot of language variation at any point in time.
                                        2. Etymology and lexiography
                                          1. Origins and word roots
                                            1. Dictionary writing and definitions


                                          Language Over Time
                                          English Language Activity Write Up #2 (completed)
                                          Standardisation in the 18th century
                                          Elizabeth Carr
                                          Language Change Activity Write Up (Completed)
                                          How Words Change (the basics)
                                          Language Change
                                          The Creation of Words
                                          The Frameworks
                                          Britton's Modes of Writing in Children
                                          Rothery's Categories for Evaluation of Children's Writing
                                          Language Change key words