

Mindmap zu Reformation
Flora Suttner
Mapa Mental por Flora Suttner, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Flora Suttner
Criado por Flora Suttner aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Change in the interpretation of religious studies in life
    1. enourmous influence of church
      1. social
        1. political
          1. economical
            1. cultural
            2. new ways of thinking --> Humanism
              1. conflict between church and political power
                1. Protestants
                2. Long-term causes of the reformation
                  1. decline in influence of church
                    1. black death
                      1. credibility of church damaged because they could´t explain disease
                        1. many priests killed
                        2. rise of powerful kings
                          1. King Philip IV
                        3. new ways of thinking
                          1. great voyages of discovery
                            1. crusades
                              1. renaissance
                              2. earlier opposition to church
                                1. worshippers of money rather than of god
                                  1. unlimited sale of relics
                                    1. John Wycliffe (1320-1384)
                                      1. Pope was not Christ´s representative
                                        1. Lollards
                                          1. English Kings tried to stop him
                                            1. Death of Wycliffe
                                              1. John Huss spreads Wycliffe´s writing
                                                1. after Huss´death -> Hussite Wars
                                  2. Short-time causes of the reformation
                                    1. Martin Luther (1483-1546)
                                      1. first reformer to lead many people to openly break with church
                                        1. monk
                                          1. questioned sale of indulgences in 1517
                                            1. pinned his 95 theses on church door
                                              1. communicated and punished as a heretic
                                              2. many followers and helpers in Germany
                                                1. Frederick III, of Saxony


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