Business Studies A1 and A2


Revision notes for A1 and A2
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Business Studies A1 and A2
  1. Costs
    1. Direct costs ( Variable Costs)
      1. These are costs that are directly related to the production process.
      2. Indirect costs ( Fixed Costs)
        1. These are costs that cannot be directly related to the production process.
        2. This is what a business spends its money on, such as wages and materials.
          1. Start-up costs
            1. When a business starts up, money needs to be raised to allow the business to start trading. However these are one off costs.
          2. Total costs
            1. The formula for total costs is:
              1. Total costs = Fixed costs + Variable costs
              2. In order to work out the total costs you need to:
                1. Multiply the variable cost per unit by the number made / sold.
                  1. Add that total ( the variable costs that are mentioned above) to the fixed costs.
                2. Revenue
                  1. This is all the money coming into the business ( the income ) from selling its goods and services.
                    1. Sources of revenue:
                      1. This is the various ways in which a business can recieve income.
                      2. The formula for revenue is :
                        1. Revenue = number of sales x price per unit
                      3. Expenditure
                        1. This is the money that business pays out . ( COSTS)
                          1. Overheads
                            1. Overheads is the everyday running costs of a business
                            2. Types of expenditure include:
                              1. Utility bills
                                1. Telephone bills
                                  1. General maintenace costs
                                    1. Wages
                                  2. Investment
                                    1. This is putting money into something with the expectation of a gain.
                                    2. Security
                                      1. These are assets that the business owner pledges to the bank in oreder to recieve a business loan.


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