Re - Unit 1 : Christian Beliefs


Mapa Mental sobre Re - Unit 1 : Christian Beliefs, criado por Sachi Sahi em 19-10-2016.
Sachi Sahi
Mapa Mental por Sachi Sahi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sachi Sahi
Criado por Sachi Sahi aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Re - Unit 1 : Christian Beliefs
  1. Old and Testiment
    1. The bible is separated into 2 parts the old and new testiment
      1. Old Testiment
        1. This was a time before Jesus
          1. Like the story of the Jews
            1. The ten commandments are in the old testiment
              1. There are 39 books in this testiment
              2. New Testiment
                1. It begins with the 4 gospels
                  1. These tell the life story of Jesus
                    1. Guiding people on how to live live
                      1. It's important as it tells us about Jesus' life
                        1. There are 27 books in this testiment
                        2. There are 66 books in the whole bible
                        3. Beliefs about Jesus
                          1. Jesus was the son of God
                            1. He could perform miracles
                              1. He sacrificed himself for humanity
                                1. He had 12 diciples
                                  1. He resurrected from his grave.
                                    1. People now follow his teachings
                                      1. He was divine and Human
                                      2. The Holy Trinity
                                        1. The Holy Trinity was said to be composed of the father , the son, and the holy spirit
                                          1. The father
                                            1. The father is God. he is jesus' father and also created the world.
                                              1. The father is the only one of the three that has not step foot on the earth.
                                              2. The son
                                                1. The son came to earth in the form of Jesus
                                                  1. The son and the father are equal
                                                  2. The holy spirit
                                                    1. The spirit helps others in weakness
                                                      1. It helps us with strong minds
                                                        1. The spirit lives in everybody
                                                          1. Raised Jesus from the dead
                                                          2. All three are God
                                                          3. It's a monotheistic religion


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